Monday, June 29, 2009

"Just lay there and Die"

Sometimes change is good. Most times change is challenging. Those close to me know that over the past year I have had to endure significant change. With heartbreak comes healing and loss of the family farm in North Carolina certainly did break my heart. After donating my personal belongings to the Salvation Army, I loaded up my dogs, cat, guns and clothes into my 1995 Ford F-150 and headed west. Change brings opportunity.

I've seen this type of loss break people and turn them into a force of negativity. Why me they ask. What did I do to deserve this. Oh the tragedy....the humanity.......How will I ever endure???? Damn those people for doing this.........etc......etc....etc........... They swirl in a whirlpool of negativity, never getting out until it sucks the life blood from them.

Not me..........not I. There's too much out there in the world to do and see and feel and experience and appreciate to be held back by change.

Opportunity has knocked. Sure, you can get pissed off when life hits you full force and a certain amount of time can be spent going thru the negativity, the anger, the madness, the sense of distrust, the blame game. But there comes a time to just get on with it and pick yourself up by your bootstraps and forge ahead and turn the lemons into lemonade, make a bad thing good, and never be defined by anyone or any one thing that has happened to you.... especially that one really bad thing.

I remember when I was in the police academy in my twenties and this 55 year old drill instructor named Bob Weathers pretty much just ran all us 23 year olds into the ground. We couldn't he put it "quit sucking in all the air" and just as we arrived at a city park he had us all lay down on the grass. He towered over us and in disgust said "Just lay there and die." "Just give up." "Just die."

There are very few instructors I remember by name, but Bob Weathers is one of them.

It could be the death of a loved one, a financial loss that is beyond repair, divorce, estrangement from family, loss of your heritage or any other significant event that will leave you laying in the grass sucking in air. You can just give up and lay there and die or you can take opportunity to pull yourself up and continue on.

I got up off that grass that day and every day since then. And when the wind gets knocked out of you, you got to take a little time to find the air, breathe and then continue on.

When you do, you come back stronger.

This is a time for new beginnings and it is here, in the west, the land of opportunity that I find mine. Surrounded by good friends, good people, and the life of peace and solitude that most yearn for, I find a rejuvenating presence that allows me to continue my work in training dogs and handlers and expand my training into more disciplines. I also have more time to document and write about my training and its results. That means more information for the student.

Here comes the lemonade..................

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